
B5 – Risk Management for Robust Logistic Processes (completed)
Prof. Dr. Otthein Herzog
University of Bremen
Faculty 3: Mathematics / Computer Science
Center for Computing Technologies (TZI)
Research Group Intelligent Systems
Dr.-Ing. Jens Schumacher
University of Bremen
Faculty 4: Production Engineering
Dept. IT-based Applications in Production Engineering

Autonomy in logistics can be realized by the application of intelligent agents and multiagent systems. Since distributed processes originating from mutually independent decision makers (enterprises) interact in a highly dynamic environment, new requirements for information technology emerge.
Transport logistics is in need of a robust and reliable information infrastructure which cannot be sufficiently guaranteed by traditional multiagent systems. In this subproject we therefore aim at the creation of an explicit risk management for multiagent systems. This explicit modelling and a subsequent mechanism for resolution of risk-induced conflicts enable the necessary robustness and reliability in multiagent systems for the automation of logistic processes.

Results Phase 1 (2004-2007)

A coherent definition of the term “risk” in the context of logistic processes forms the basis of this work. Based on a risk term specified in two dimensions (goal-oriented risk and risk by long-range- and side effects of decisions) an operationalisation strategy was developed. This enables an autonomous logistic process to autonomously identify risks. Additionally, a more sophisticated representation of the situation as well as an assessment of uncertainty regarding existing and newly gained knowledge is provided. Hence, it is capable of automated decision making.
In close cooperation with the subproject knowledge management (B4) and sustainable management (A2) an integrated framework was developed for the modelling of situation-aware decision making in autonomous transport-logistic processes.

Former Project Staff
Dipl. Wi.-Ing. Boris Bemeleit
University of Bremen
Faculty 4: Production Engineering
Dept. IT-based Applications in Production Engineering
Dipl.-Inf. Martin Lorenz
University of Bremen
Faculty 3: Mathematics / Computer Science
Center for Computing Technologies (TZI)
Research Group Intelligent Systems